Upcoming projects
Green X creative
Nystrom Elf & Sutter is part of a consortium that have applied for funds from Erasmus - Partnerships for Innovation: Alliances.
The project is intended to begin April 2023 and Nystrom Elf & Sutter will be the over-all coordinator of the project.
The consortium consists of Vocational Education and Training schools, Higher Education institutions, Work-Based Learning Providers and Industry partners. We also have sector organisations as associated partners (in total 10 partners and 4 associated partners).
The project project 'Green x Creative' (GxC) aims to improve education and training to include green thinking and sustainability opportunities in the curricula within the packaging chain. We will focus on solutions offered by fibre-based packaging, such as paper and cardboard-based solutions. They provide excellent packaging production and recyclability options and have a good consumer perception regarding sustainability. Moreover, they can actively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The stakeholders represented in this project will be students, teachers, learners, designers, producers, business managers, logistic providers, clients and consumers, leading to an understanding and a reduction of the packaging industry's carbon footprint. This thinking aligns with EU goals and the results of a recent environmental conference in Glasgow (the COP26 Summit, and the Paris Agreement on climate change.
It also aligns with the "Fit for 55 goal" of reducing the EU's greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. The "Fit for 55 goals" is a subgoal of the European Green Deal, a binding target of achieving climate neutrality by 2050 (https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal/climate-action-and-green-deal_en).
The project aim to:
- Identify skills gaps and future trends for a greener economy within the packaging chain, with an emphasis on fibre-based packaging solutions,
- Develop validated and tested learning and teaching (L&T) materials for the fibre-based packaging chain,
- Improve green, digital, and sustainable thinking within education and training institutions inside and outside the creative sector
- Raise awareness for fibre-based packaging solutions amongst business managers and end consumers.