Tommie Nyström

Tommie has experience in supervising International and Swedish National projects, both from former positions at the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and LECA Sweden, as well as from his recent position at Linköping University. He also has extensive experience from various international practice based and curriculum development research projects.

From 2000 to 2019 Tommie was working as a lecturer at Linköping University where he initiated, planned and organised the Study programme Graphic Design and Communication (GDK).

He was chair of the operational board for the GDK and at programme level he supervised content development. His primary area of teaching is in Graphic Communication (including Graphic Design, Corporate Identity and Typography) and Visual Project Management. He was vice chair of the Study Board for Computer and Media Technology.

Tommie has fifteen years of experience as member of Executive Committees for vocational training of staff in the graphic arts industry and in Visual Communication.

During 2009-2010 he held a position as guest lecturer at Stuttgart Media University (HdM).

He was the over-all coordinator of two Erasmus+ projects.

2014 - 2017: Creative Industries Global Network, (CIGN)

2009 - 2013 Inter-Cultural Design Camp, (ICDC)

He was engaged as External expert at the Research Executive Agency (REA) Evaluation of the proposals submitted in response to the - H2020-SEAC-2014-1, H2020-GARRI-2014-1, H2020-GERI-2014-1 and H2020-ISSI-2014-1 call for proposals, issued on the basis of the work programme(s) Horizon 2020 - 2014-2015 - Science with and for Society.

In 2015 Tommie was part of Peer Review team for Periodic Program Review of The School of Graphic Communications Management at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.

​Tommie also has ten years of experience teaching in the grammar school at level 6-9.

Tommie holds a BA in Art Education from Umeå University and has a diploma from Berghs School of Communication in Market Communication from where he also holds a Responsible Advertising Publisher qualification (ARU).

Tommie have written/co-written papers and presented at a variety of international Educational conferences in the areas of Education, Research and Innovation. Below is a selection of presented papers at International conferences:

November 2018, Seville, Spain: Evaluation and learning analytics - a field report from an International perspective. ICERI 2018 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

November 2017, Seville, Spain: Creative Industries Global Network, (CIGN) - Project Outcomes and Conclusion: Curriculum Development at National and International Levels. ICERI 2017 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

May 2017, Beijing, China: Looking Back and Looking Forward - Lessons learned from the Creative Industries Global Network Project. 50th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts, Technology and Management (IC)

June 2016, Leipzig, Germany: Future-­proof education in the field of Media Design and Production. 49th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts, Technology and Management (IC)

June 2015, San Luis Obispo, USA: Identification of Future Skills Gaps in Cross-Media Design and Production in the Creative Industries at National level in Scotland, Sweden, Belgium, Germany and Canada. 48th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts, Technology and Management (IC)

November 2014, Sevilla, Spain: CIGN - An ERASMUS+ Initiative for a Pan-European Curricular Development for the Creative Industries. ICERI 2014 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

June 2014, Vrahati, Greece: International Cross Media projects with students from four universities and from different disciplines. 47th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts, Technology and Management (IC)

June 2013, Glasgow, UK: Staff / Student Enhancement and Innovation within Cross Media Erasmus Intensive Projects. International Enhancement Themes Conference 2013

June 2013, Toronto, Canada: Factors that improve examination of student degree projects. 46th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts, Technology and Management (IC)

November 2012, Madrid, Spain: An International Approach to Assessment and Feedback within Collaborative Digital Media Projects. ICERI 2012 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

November 2012, Madrid, Spain: The use of Virtual Reality for High Fidelity Signage Prototyping in Wayshowing Course Modules - Benefits, Limitations and Student Prerequisites. ICERI 2011 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

November 2011, Madrid, Spain: Intercultural Design Camp - Facing New Challenges in an International Cooperation of European Universities. ICERI 2011 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

November 2011, Campus Norrköping, Linköping University: Development of the examination of theses at undergraduate level. 3rd Development Conference of the Swedish Engineering Programmes

November 2010, Madrid, Spain: The Intercultural Design Camp - a Collaborative Adventure in Developing Interdisciplinary Pedagogy and "Internalization". ICERI 2010 (International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation)

December 2009, Vienna, Austria: Experiences from teaching Wayshowing at Stuttgart Media University. Sign09

October 2009, Gent, Belgien: Trends in Media Consumption in western Europe. The 41th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts: Technology and Management

September 2008, Warzaw, Poland: Experiences from starting a new study programme. The 40th Conference of the International Circle of Educational Institutes for Graphic Arts: Technology and Management
